Video Day 29/16

The weeks video day is all about robots!


Festo – eMotionButterflies

These butterfly robots from Festo are just too cute.

They are ultra light and absolutely magnetizing!

Homemade Robot with Arduino #2 (insect robot)

While on the topic of insect robots this beetle robot is also really cool.

It uses only two servos to move the six legs, and is also programmed to avoid obstacles.

Johnnie Walker – DTU Robocup 2016

Once again I want to show you one of the robots from this years Robocup at the Technical University of Denmark.

In addition to showing a cool Arduino based robot, the video also has a good documentation of the way the robot was made. From first thoughts and research to the final tests on the competition course.

Johnnie Walker is based on the Arduino Mega 2560.

The video has some text in Danish but you can easily get what it is about without understanding it 🙂

Top 10 Arduino robots

The last video is a collection of different Arduino robots which has been built by makers around the internet.

If you are into Arduino and robots or just want to be inspired to make something new, this is a video for you. It has both beginner and more advanced robot.



