Tag: graphics

  • 3 Games in 6 Months, part 3: From Minesweeper to Bionic Carrots

    3 Games in 6 Months, part 3: From Minesweeper to Bionic Carrots

    As stated in the introduction to my 3 Games in 6 Months challenge I’ve divided my current development process into six steps. The first two focused on implementing a clone of the classic Minesweeper game. In the last post I had completed step one and started polishing the classic version (step two). I have since […]

  • Game Dev Log #3 (6/18): Player and Camera Movement

    Game Dev Log #3 (6/18): Player and Camera Movement

    Another sprint has been finished, and it is once again time to a dev log. Our last sprint focused on drawing our maze using only two different wall tiles. In this sprint we have added player and camera movement, removed an annoying memory bug and also improved the frame rate of the game.

  • Game Dev Log #2 (5/18) : Drawing the Maze

    Game Dev Log #2 (5/18) : Drawing the Maze

    Yesterday we finished the second sprint for our maze game, so I figured today would be a good day for my second Game Dev Log. We are working on a roguelike maze game. The maze part is currently our main focus. Last summer I made a student project on algorithms for generating mazes and we […]

  • Game Dev Log #1 (4/18) : Introduction

    Game Dev Log #1 (4/18) : Introduction

    I’ve wanted to start writing development log regularly for a while now (this first post has actually been hiding half finished on the blog for more than 6 months now 😮 ). So, instead of procrastinating on reddit looking for ideas on how to write a dev log, I finally decided to just do it 😉

  • Building an Arduino Game System: Introduction

    Building an Arduino Game System: Introduction

    Earlier this year, I made an 8×8 LED matrix Arduino breakout game. The game was inspired by the classic Atari Breakout, but limited to 8×8 pixels for the display. It was a fun way to test the LED matrix and also show how useful these small LED matrixes actually are! The project also got my […]

  • How old school graphics work – Video day 35/16

    How old school graphics work – Video day 35/16

    Today is all about old school graphics. September is here, which means no more vacation and lots of studying! And of course also new Friday Videos here at Maker Tech 😉 I am currently working on projects about getting different kinds of tv outputs from the Arduino. Mainly for games but the same tricks could of […]