Tag: lego
Lego lock and puzzle boxes – Video Day 36/16
Lego lock and puzzle boxes One of the projects on my never ending projects-to-do-list is a secret puzzle and mystery box. You know one of those where the lock of the box is a combination of different small puzzles. On my search for inspiration I found the following three cool Lego videos. The first is […]
Video Day 28/16
This weeks maker and tech videos are about retro gaming, LEGO and robots. Enjoy!
Makers and the Maker Movement: The Makers
Who are the makers and how do you become one? The first thing you should know is, that all of us can become makers. Actually we all already are in some ways. When your hear about makers today, the focus tend to evolve around people who make things with power, electronics, computers, programming etc. But […]