3 Games in 6 Months: What I learned and why I quit
Some months ago, I challenged myself to make three games in six months. It is now two months since I wrote an update on this challenge. The last post was when I finished the first game, Bionic Carrots. Why? I quit!
Tales From a Voxel World, part 1: Introduction and editing a texture at run time
Last week I finished and released a small puzzle game called Bionic Carrots. The game is one of three little games I’ve challenged myself to make before September. This week I’ve been taking a break from Unity and my small game challenge. Instead I’ve been looking into another voxel project. I have implemented very basic […]
3 Games in 6 Months, part 5: Releasing Bionic Carrots
I finally got everything done on my last to-do list for Bionic Carrots. Which means that I’m ready to release the game. Bionic Carrots is a Minesweeper-inspired puzzle game with a theme inspired by research from MIT on how plants can be altered to detect explosives.
3 Games in 6 Months, part 4: Improving Game Feel in Bionic Carrots
In the last post I wrote about the inspiration for Bionic Carrots. After designing the gameplay I moved into the final polishing phase of the games development. This step was about improving game feel by giving better feedback to the player after each interaction, and also making the world feel more alive. The video below […]
3 Games in 6 Months, part 3: From Minesweeper to Bionic Carrots
As stated in the introduction to my 3 Games in 6 Months challenge I’ve divided my current development process into six steps. The first two focused on implementing a clone of the classic Minesweeper game. In the last post I had completed step one and started polishing the classic version (step two). I have since […]
3 Games in 6 Months, Part 2: Minesweeper clone
I’m making a Minesweeper clone in Unity I have challenged my self to make and release three games in six months. The point of this challenge is to practice making a finished game and actually getting it out there to the players. The first game I’m making is a Minesweeper clone. I’m using this as […]
3 Games in 6 Months, Part 1: Introduction
Like so many others, I have a huge amount of half-finished games scattered around my git repositories. However I have never actually managed to finish and release a proper game.
Four books for C++ beginners
A common question from people new to programming is where to start. And the answers you get can be anything from “just start” to “read this insane number of books”. In this post I will give a short list of books which we feel is a good way to go, if you are new to […]
Game Dev Log #3 (6/18): Player and Camera Movement
Another sprint has been finished, and it is once again time to a dev log. Our last sprint focused on drawing our maze using only two different wall tiles. In this sprint we have added player and camera movement, removed an annoying memory bug and also improved the frame rate of the game.
Game Dev Log #2 (5/18) : Drawing the Maze
Yesterday we finished the second sprint for our maze game, so I figured today would be a good day for my second Game Dev Log. We are working on a roguelike maze game. The maze part is currently our main focus. Last summer I made a student project on algorithms for generating mazes and we […]