3 Games in 6 Months, part 5: Releasing Bionic Carrots

I finally got everything done on my last to-do list for Bionic Carrots. Which means that I’m ready to release the game.

Bionic Carrots is a Minesweeper-inspired puzzle game with a theme inspired by  research from MIT on how plants can be altered to detect explosives.

This game was the first of three games I’ve challenged myself to make before September. And I can’t wait to get started on the next one!

If you want to try the game, it is currently available for download at itch.io:

It should work on both Mac, Windows and Linux. If you experience any problems, then don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂

You can also ready more on the development of this game in the following blog posts:

  1. Minesweeper clone
  2. From Minesweeper to Bionic Carrots
  3. Improving Game Feel in Bionic Carrots

I’m also planning on writing a post about my experience while developing this game. Including what I learned and what I could have done differently a long the way.

But I think I’ll wait a couple of days with this post. At the moment I really want to take a short break from Bionic Carrots and also start working on my next game 😉







One response to “3 Games in 6 Months, part 5: Releasing Bionic Carrots”

  1. […] week I finished and released a small puzzle game called Bionic Carrots. The game is one of three little games I’ve challenged myself to make before […]