Tag: retro gaming

  • Arduino Space Invaders Game Dev Log #2: Parts and Setup

    Arduino Space Invaders Game Dev Log #2: Parts and Setup

    I’m currently working on an Arduino Space Invaders Game using a 0.96″ OLED as display. In this post you will find a list of the parts I’m using for this project. I will also show you both an illustration and the schematics for the first prototype. If you haven’t already, you might also like to […]

  • Arduino Space Invaders Game Dev Log #1: Introduction

    Arduino Space Invaders Game Dev Log #1: Introduction

    I’m currently working on an Arduino Space Invaders Game. This is the first of several Arduino Game projects I have planned, and mainly serve as a warm-up project to get me back into Arduino and microcontroller programming again. In this blog post you will find an introduction to the project including a section on the […]

  • 3 Games in 6 Months, Part 1: Introduction

    3 Games in 6 Months, Part 1: Introduction

    Like so many others, I have a huge amount of half-finished games scattered around my git repositories. However I have never actually managed to finish and release a proper game.

  • Building an Arduino Game System 1.0: Setup and schematics

    Building an Arduino Game System 1.0: Setup and schematics

    Posts in this series so far: Introduction Setup and schematics Making a Breakout Game (coming soon) Setup and Schematics In this first blog post on my Arduino Game System project, we will look at the basic schematics and ideas the project is based on.

  • How old school graphics work – Video day 35/16

    How old school graphics work – Video day 35/16

    Today is all about old school graphics. September is here, which means no more vacation and lots of studying! And of course also new Friday Videos here at Maker Tech šŸ˜‰ I am currently working on projects about getting different kinds of tvĀ outputs from the Arduino. Mainly for games but the same tricks could of […]

  • Video Day 28/16

    Video Day 28/16

    This weeks maker and tech videos are about retro gaming, LEGO and robots. Enjoy!