8×8 LED matrix – Atari Breakout inspired Arduino game
In this post you will find details on how to start making your own 8×8 LED matrix Arduino breakout game. The gameplay is simple but still entertaining because of the different ways the ball bounces when hitting the paddle.
Makers and the Maker Movement: Maker Faire
What is a Maker Faire, and can I attend? In this third and last blog post in this summers theme on Makers and the Maker Movement is all about Maker Faires. The first post focused on who are the Makers, and how do you become one. The second post focused on what the Maker Moveement is, […]
Video Day 29/16
The weeks video day is all about robots! Enjoy!
Makers and the Maker Movement: The Maker Movement
What is the Maker Movement and how did it start? This is the second post in the summer theme about Makers and the Maker Movement here on Maker Tech. This post will focus on the Maker Movement. The first post focused on who are the Makers, and how do you become one.
Video Day 28/16
This weeks maker and tech videos are about retro gaming, LEGO and robots. Enjoy!
Makers and the Maker Movement: The Makers
Who are the makers and how do you become one? The first thing you should know is, that all of us can become makers. Actually we all already are in some ways. When your hear about makers today, the focus tend to evolve around people who make things with power, electronics, computers, programming etc. But […]
Video Day 27/16
Last week one of the tech videos for Video Day was about an 8×8 matrix game console. This week I have two new videos of game projects in addition to two about other cool maker projects. Enjoy!
Tech News of the Week – 26/16
Do you want more tech news than just the ones listed in this post? Then follow Maker Tech at Twitter, where I try to retweet everything I find interesting and relevant. Tech News week 26 Summer is upon us which means fewer news then normally. Today I have two of my favorite news from last week for you. […]
Video Day – 26/16
For this weeks Video Day, I have found videos for you of two very different robots, a cool retro game console and one about this years AVC competition at Sparkfun.
Tech news of the Week – 25/16
Do you want more news than just the ones listed in this post? Then follow Maker Tech at Twitter, where I try to retweet everything I find interesting and relevant. Once again it is Monday and News Day at Maker Tech, where you will get my favorite tech news and maker news from last week.